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Monday, December 21, 2009

Glad those days are over...

Every morning for five days I would wake up and relive the same day from the day before.
And every morning I would wake up hopeful, thinking this might actually be the dawn of a new day, and then
Excessive whining begins,
followed by unexplainable emotional outbursts,
rebellion in dizzying proportions.
What is going on?!
How come this never ending day will never end?!
It's like I was living in my own personal version of Groundhog's Day.
And I did not particularly enjoy that movie...I like it even less now.
I don't know if it was a readjustment period returning from vacation.
Maybe it's just a girl thing that I'll have to put up with from time to time.
I don't know, I'm still trying to figure it out.
I feel like I've been doing that a lot lately-trying to figure my girls out and all their emotional craziness.
Am I like this? Well I can see those looks on Isaak's face when he just looks at me and thinks to himself, "I have no idea what's wrong with her, so I'm just gonna go hide somewhere until it passes." :) So yeah, I probably am.
I look at the girls the same way sometimes. God really needed to give me a manual when he let me conceive my children. A special manual designed to help me problem solve every one of their unique personalities to help me get through these never ending repetitive feels like it's going to last forever days.
Really, the problem isn't me knowing my kids. The problem is knowing what to do about them and all of their girlie emotional craziness. How to teach them, mold them, encourage them, discipline that they can develop into thoughful, considerate, respectful, God-loving, obedient, servant-minded, peace making women.
This is not an easy job.
Ohhhh, my goodness, this is not an easy job.

My never ending days from down below have passed. We are back to just the regular emotional outbursts as opposed to the unexplainable ones. And, despite the immense amount of drama that comes with being a parent...boy am I ever glad that I am one.


Kris said...

I'll trade you for my 13 year old. I'll give her to you in two weeks when she will be PMS'ing again. You and Isaak both will be hiding. HeeHee. I believe there is a reason God built us to love our children so much. It's to keep us from killing them.

The Toronto Family said...

Amen sister! I know I have boys but they come with there own set of "fun" anger and violence, and the drama is not just for girls I have found. Can I just say that I think you a awesome mom!!! Two books that I just LOVED that really help me stay strong in my parenting are "Parenting with Love and Logic" and "the five love languages for children" this really help me to stay focused when I'm in "those days" you were talking about where I feel like the kids are taking over and I just want to through the towel in, but I know that I can't and in honest truth I wouldn't if I could because I love my kids they are the best thing that has happened! I'm sure you know what I'm talking about right? well anyway- I loved these two books they were great, gave some great ideas, and support, because like you said. THIS IS HARD!!!..... but I'm soooo glad that I am one! - sorry this is soooo long!

Tera said...

GIRLS ARE FUN!! You know you don't get an instruction manual, because learning is half the fun! The thing that is the most important that I know you already do is LOVE THEM! Love their crazy emotions, love their unexplainable outbursts, and love that they are specifically designed for you! MOTHERHOOD IS THE BEST!! No school on earth can compare to it!