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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Money Suckers

Don't you just LOVE it when you bring your car into the fixer place to get new tires,
expecting to only be paying for new tires,
and expecting those new tires to cost you $200....
only to receive a phone call from the car fixer place an hour later telling you "it would be in the best interest of our car if you replaced such and such, but it will only run you $380"
"no, extra, in addition to the $200 you're paying for the tires"
Huh, of course it does.
So now the car that you brought in for a tire change expecting to only be paying $200 for is now running you closer to $600 for something else....
but then, in true car fixer place fashion, when you go to pick the car up your bill has somehow mysteriously jumped up another $200 bringing your bill to a whopping $800, which was previously only suppose to be $600, which in the beginning was only suppose to be $200!



Holly said...

where did you take it????

go to Yeck's next time.

WE LOVE them!!!!
and they sooo would not have done that.

Liz W. said...

oh, Melissa, there you go breathing fire again ;-)