Come on in...

Thursday, July 16, 2009


That would be the sound of me breathing FIRE on the maintenance outside my house right now!!
The maintenance that I didn't schedule to be here until 3pm, and it is only 1:48.
The maintenance that is slamming a ladder up and down and up and down on my second story.
The maintenance that is hammering into my gutter causing a very earthquake like effect in my home.
The maintenance that is no doubt going to wake up my slumbering kids because they are being so blasted noisy!
Oh my gosh, this is ridiculous! It wasn't this loud when there were trackers, smashers, and dump trucks in my yard last week.....
BRAHHHHHHHHH!!!! (that's more fire comin' at ya!!!)


Liz W. said...

ok, I just peed my pants, I'm laughing so hard!!!!

Racheal said...

I'm right there with you.. I feel your pain.. I wake up every morning about 6am,To hear guys hammering and sawing right behind my house..