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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Get a grip

Okay, I have found out in 1 single day that two more dear friends are moving away in the next few far away...not down the street, but across the country and out of the country.
This is on top of the dear friend I said goodbye to today, who is moving out of the country, and also on top of the friend who is leaving next month, and on top of the friend who left last month, and on top of the friend who is moving across town which might as well be out of the country at the rate we're dropping friends around here!!!
I can't handle this all at once!!!
Oh my gosh, give a girl a friends are dropping like flies!!
I think I need to sit down....I am sitting down....I think I need to go lay down....did I mention that it stinks being on "this end" of the leaving stick...


Kris said...

Hey, I'm still here! We can mope and be sad together. I think we need margarita's.

Missy said...

You better still be you guys get orders tomorrow! And I'm totally down for moping together! :)

Liz W. said...

aww! now you got me all teary eyed :-(

If we REALLY go anywhere. I am sooo going to miss our Tuesdays.

Anonymous said...

okay magaritats on me!!! I really do want to get together some time in august!!!! Beck

Holly said...

um....beck....we are dressing up for Abba, member???

Loveless Fam said...

Don't worry some of us are comin back!