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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Starting '09 strong

Less t.v.-more one on one time.

More one on one time with Isaak, the girls, God, and myself.

That's what I'm striving for in 2009.

I hit a rut at the end of '08, with all the holidays, Isaak being gone, sickness running rampant-
it started getting too easy to turn on the t.v., lay down on the couch at the end of the evening, and zone out.

But I'm back on track.

Whew! It feels good!

Me and Isaak are doing at home date nights twice a week after bed time.
I'm exercising every day during naps.
I'm connecting with The Man every afternoon, reading my Bible, preparing for the weeks "Got Questions" group, reading and brushing up on the material for that.
And doing personal reading of my own.
I always want to be reading something, from now on.
Right now I'm into Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas (recommended by Bekah!) and A Case for Christ which we are diving into for our "Got Q's" group.

So yeah, that's kind of where I'm at right now.

Buuuuuut, I will still be watching me some Lost when it comes back on next week. I can't go with out my Lost, uh uh, no way, gotta have it, need to watch it, best show in the world!!


Anonymous said...

Yes, Lost is coming back. I will be with you there, on my couch, ready to watch. This is the only show that Michael and I both watch, it is a semi-bonding experience!

The Toronto Family said...

if you don't mind sharing I would LOVE to know what you and your hubby do for home date nights, Will and I do those too, and we are always looking for ideas. Maybe we can swap some. I love you goals!!! and we are lost fans too, in fact a couple years ago we got rid of cable all together, now with an we just get a few local channels and that is it, we do get ABC and NBC we love Lost and the office! that is all we watch.