Come on in...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Okay God, do your thing

A few years back when I was still living in Florida God gave me a vision.
It was a great vision. Right up my alley. Just what my heart had been searching for.

It's truly beautiful how intimately God knows us.
He knows us better than we know ourselves.
He believes in us more than we could feebly give Him credit for.

And yet, knowing all these things, knowing that God believes is me, will hold my hand, and has called me to do this because He is confident in the abilities He gave me......
I still doubt.
I still get scared.
I still let fear stop me from moving.

Fear of failure.
Fear of rejection.
You name it, I've thought of a fear to back it up.

But no matter what excuse I gave to God, or how many lies I allowed myself to believe, God kept pushing, He didn't give up, but kept quietly reminding me of the plan He set before me.

All I had to do was move.
One step.
It's not very hard.
"Come on-you can do it! I'm right here with you! Trust me."

"Trust Me. "

"Trust Me."

"Don't believe the lies."

"I'm telling you the truth-trust Me."

So...after almost four years of hesitating, making excuses, being afraid of nothing, I took a step.

I moved.

The only thing I could do I did.

I closed my eyes and jumped,
and I landed in His peace.

Now, it's up to God to open the doors, to grant favor and acceptance for me to move again.

I know the next step will be bigger, and require more of me, but that also means more of God too.

I'm excited to work with You on this! We make a great team, so it's your turn God, go do your thing....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am so excited to help you fulfill this calling and dream, you can count on me!