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Thursday, January 1, 2009

She did it

I am proud to say that at the end of our second day of "no turning back potty training" Sydaleigh successfully peed in the potty four times today. And the last three times needed no prompting whatsoever, she just went straight to the potty all by herself.
I'm stunned at her progress.
This morning started out so rough.
That is one strong willed child.
I finally made her go 'all natural' today after she deliberately peed in her underwear.
She was crying from the discomfort of holding it in, told me "I don't like you right now", which she has never said to me before, but finally, after two long agonizing hours of her sitting on the potty this morning she finally gave in and went.
That was a long two hours.
I tapped into a new level of patience I didn't know I had in me.
But what a sweet moment that was.
Sydaleigh was so proud of herself for doing something new.
And I was too, to say the least.
We were NOT giving up!!
I'm not sure how she'll do tomorrow but today was a success.
A sweet success.


Kris said...

Stay strong girl, you are doing a good thing. I had to do the same with our oldest just after her 3rd birthday, boy THAT was a fun weekend. In the end, when she realized that I wasn't going to back down and that wet underwear were no fun, she did it. It'll happen.

Unknown said...

That is one stubborn little girl! You have to admire her tenacity! Although, that stubborness makes you a crazy person. You are doing the right thing, even though it is tough, hang in there, they really just one day decide that they are going to do it. With Jakob, we had to do the same thing, the naked child running around the house bit. It was the only thing that worked. He was just as stubborn, but one day he just made the decision that he was going to stop making our lives a living you-know-what and do it! That was a very good day!

joann said...

yea !!! stay strong!!! I hate potty training!!! it is my least favorite thing about parenting!!! good luck!!!