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Friday, May 23, 2008

Spouses Spa Night

Last night was the 8th Annual Spouses Spa night, and never having been before I was really looking forward to a night of free massages, food, dessert, and whatever else the evening had to offer.

And then I got there and saw the 500 other women who had the same idea.

I don't want to complain, too much :), because it is nice to be recognized and given back to for a night, but I don't think I'll be participating in this event come next year.

It took a long time to shuffle 500 women through the food line, then the raffle line, the bag line, the massage line, the chocolate fountain line...everywhere there was a line!

Just slap the word "FREE" on something, and people, (myself included apparently) come running.

I waited in line for over 30 minutes for Free bread and green beans (there was meat available but seen as how I'm a vegetarian that doesn't apply to me)...what's the matter with me??

I then waited in line for 30 minutes, 30 minutes!!! for a 5 minute massage...because it was free.

Ahh, I can't let myself do that again next year, no way.

Below is half of the loooong line for food that I waited in. Nuts!

But on a high note, I did get to hang with my dear Tera!


Tera said...

We are Crazy, but hey it was all free!! I am so glad you came, it was awesome to have a girls night, even with the long lines, I will sure miss these!! But on a positive note there was no line for the vegetable table! (Hee Hee) Thanks for the awesome pics, I love them!! Have a great weekend.

niaodian said...
