Yup, that's pretty much what I was thinking when I got into the car this afternoon to find all the change that had been sitting in the front of the car had been relocated to the CD player slot.
That's never a good thing. Apparently two year olds think it's fun to stuff things into places that they don't belong! AHHH. I have to admit though, I semi deserve it for letting Sydaleigh sit in the car and "play" while I did some yard work. I should have known she was up to something sneaky for no other reason than she's two, and thinks it's great fun to do crazy things.
Isaak is still in the car, after nearly 30 minutes, with the face plate off trying to retrieve all the money.
good luck...something similar happened to me once and I think it's all still there!
I feel your pain, and will think twice before laughing at how funny kids are! We had a similiar 'shouldn't put stuff in there'. Love the Blog! Keep the posts coming.
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