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Tuesday, May 27, 2008


It's funny how the Lord speaks to you in the most unusual times...
...walking into the kitchen to prepare dinner, frustrated, I threw a pair of Sydaleigh's pee soaked training underwear on the floor, frustrated, as day #1 of potty training isn't going so well. I kept telling myself today, "you're not cut out for this", "how am I ever going to teach her and get through to her?".
Feeling defeated....after one lousy afternoon...
...getting water ready to boil I remember Pastor Jeff's words from Sunday...
"only one life, it will soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last, Lord, today what should I do with my dash?"...
and He told's just potty training. Don't be defeated. You get another chance every 30's not a big deal. Remember what's important...
..."training" my girls not to give up.
..."training" my girls to keep trying.
..."training" my girls to stay positive, even when frustrated.
..."training" my girls to speak and display kindness and love...
My girls are watching ME, they are learning from ME, if I don't want them to give up I can't be ready to throw in the towel after one day. I need to show them, by example how to persevere, be positive, kind and loving. After all, our Heavenly Father does the same for me everyday. And there is no better teacher than Him.
Thank you Lord, for reminding me of what's really important.


Holly said...

phew...I needed that tonight.

and yes, the harder you push the potty training the further away she will go from it, just let it happen.

Tera said...

I am so glad that motherhood is such a growing experience!! Can you imagine what we would be like if it all came easy?? You are growing in ways you can't imagine, and when your daughter comes to you training her own child to use the bathroom, think of the empathy you will have!! Don't give up. I understand your frustration, no really I understand your frustration, but she will get it when you least expect it. Show love, show perserverance, and know she will thank you, SOMEDAY!! GOOD LUCK!! HEE HEE HEE!

Unknown said...

can you be my mommmy too? just kidding, i have a wonderful mom who somehow always modeled Jesus...most of the time :)...

know I'm praying for you friend that Jesus will be the stability of your heart and give you more than enough to overflow as an example to the girls. love you!