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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sunday at New City Church

We had the most incredible opportunity to visit with some of our favorite friends last weekend in Kansas City. We've known Matt and Jenn since our time in Florida when we all started a newly married small group together at church.

And how cool that after we were stationed out here in the lonely ole midwest, God would call them out here too, within a mere 2 1/2 hours of us. To military folk, 2 1/2 hours is nothin' to see loved ones. Shoot, anything less than a 12 hour drive and we get giddy.

Anyways, Matt and Jenn packed up, left everything familiar, friends, family, church, in Florida and followed God on a dream to start their own church out here.

Their launch Sunday for New City Church was three weeks ago now and we knew that with another move on our horizon this might be out last chance to see them and their church. So we headed out bright and early last Sunday morning and drove down in time to go to their 10am service.

The stories of God's provision during this time of new beginnings for them is mind blowing. God provided above and beyond for them and they are doing amazing things in that city and truly making a kingdom difference.

From all the volunteers, their building, renovations, equipment, city's all just such an amazing testament to God's incredible faithfulness.

I love how their lives are bent on not just following Christ but striving to live like Him. They are beautiful examples to us. And it's such a beautiful partnership between them and the Lord....they have put in some serious hard work to get this church off the ground, so much sacrifice, incredible dedication, and obedience and it was blazingly evident. And God showed up big time. His presence was so tangible.

I count it as a privilege to call these people friends. So thankful that God steered our lives together 7 or so years ago and was so proud to stand in support of them last week, and praise with them what God is doing in His church and in their lives. Just love them.

(me and Jenn-Jan.15th 2012)

1 comment:

newcitymatt said...

I just had the chance to read guys are too kind. We love you lots and we were honored that you took the time to come hang with us. AND...i'm praying that all this redtape stuff will get worked out soon!

much love,