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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Africa update

Last week Isaak's orders were resubmitted and approved for him to go to Africa solo for 15 months. Because his training is so long it's considered a regular PCS which is why we are all moving to DC together. However, as of this point, he is the only one going across the pond once training is complete.

We did submit our first medical appeal last week with some additional documentation and it's currently being reviewed. We're not sure how long it will take to receive a response but we are hopeful to hear something next week perhaps.

We are praying for God's favor. We are praying for fresh eyes to view it. We are praying and believing that what is impossible for man, is possible for God. Only He can sway their decision and grant us favor in their eyes. Only Him.

Please pray with us.


Bekah Boo said...

you know i have been. and will continue.
but we're frail people, forgetful, needy.
For all our needs, He offers all of Himself.Praying that over you guys today. and for His favor.
What trust He has in the Brooks to take you on this journey with Him!

D'Ache' said...

prayers prayers prayers.....