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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Big Shindig

I've been busy planning a big shindig for this Saturday night.
A shindig to celebrate three birthdays and one going away.
I am crazy excited, except for the fact that we're celebrating the 'going away' part.
But, I'm doing my best to suppress it as much as possible so that I don't ugly cry the whole night,
which would surely put a damper on the festivities. :)
So, I'm busy planning.
Saturday is going to be the first night that I have EVER slept away from my family! EVER!
It is going to be fun!!!!!!!!


Kris said...

I'm sure you will have fun. You guys always do.

Holly said...

oh Kris!!!
I'm just sick that you can't be there....
...but jealous that you'll be on a stinkin' cruise!

and Melissa - I did not know that! - about the sleeping away from fam' - um....for one night's awesome!
I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!