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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Integrity vs. reputation

Came across this quote today...good words.....
 "Integrity is what you do when no one is watching; 
it’s doing the right thing all the time,
 even when it may work to your disadvantage. 
Integrity is keeping your word. 
Integrity is that internal compass and rudder that directs you to where you know you should go when everything around you is pulling you in a different direction. 
Some people think reputation is the same thing as integrity,
 but they are different. 
Your reputation is the public perception of your integrity. 
Because it’s other people’s opinions of you, 
it may or may not be accurate. 
Others determine your reputation, but only you determine your integrity."
"Integrity does not come in degrees—low, medium, or high. 
You either have integrity or you do not” 
-Tony Dungy

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