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Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day

In celebration of Mother's Day yesterday I asked if we could skip church and go hang out down at a cool nearby park together. It was one of the most peaceful mother's days I've had. The weather was gorgeous. Great company. Stress free.

It was nice.
At the park we spent most of out time down by a creek throwing rocks in the water. My girls could spend an entire day throwing stones in the water and never get bored. And I'd be just as happy sitting there watching them. They love to hunt for rocks and just something about throwing them into the water and seeing it splash brings them great joy. Oh, Isaak loves it too. He likes to flex his bulging biceps and make manly grunting noises when he throws a big rock into the water.
That's my man. :~)
Me and my little munchkin.
Me and my big girl.
It's because of those two cuties I even get to celebrate this day.
I discovered a new species of bug while at the water. Well, new to me. Some strange looking bug like creature that just floats on top of the water. I found them to be quite fascinating.

After a long time by the creek we went to go say hello to the geese and turtles.
But after getting hissed at repeatedly by the momma, we decided to just go look at the turtles.

After the park we came home and had dinner. Isaak bought me a little cake, because he knows that I believe every special occasion should be celebrated with cake. And Isaak and the girls made homemade fat free ice cream to go along with it. Super yummy.
Good day. I love those little ladies. Parenting them ain't easy, but it sure is worth it. God did good blessing my life with them. And I am eternally grateful for the honor of being their momma.

1 comment:

Bekah Boo said...

love these :)
was waiting to see how you guys celebrated the day
and those 'new' creatures. in the Northeast, we call them water spiders. =)
Happy Mother's Day to you my lovely friend!