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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thyroid update

It has been a little over two months since I started taking my thyroid medication. And after the first month I went back in for a follow up to make sure my dosage was correct and my levels were on track.

I got my blood work in the mail a few days later...and how sweet is was to see that all my levels were within perfect normal range. Not too high in normal and not too low in normal. Just perfectly in the middle.

I wanted to frame that little piece of paper. Those numbers meant so much. Those numbers represent more to me than I can say.....

No more tremors in my hands and legs. Which means I can hold out my hands without them shaking. I can hold a book, type, write, press my foot down on the gas peddle in the car without it jumping back up at me.
No more surges of heart palpitations that would seem to never end.
No more 135bpm when I'm sitting still.
My body is no longer running at supersonic speed.
I'm no longer "on" every minute of the day. My body is finally able to turn itself "off".
I can go about my day without feeling like I'm gonna vomit from extreme hunger every two hours.
I can lay down in my bed at night and not feel my entire body forcibly vibrating every half a second from my rapid heart beat.
I can rest a book on my stomach and not have it vibrate.
I no longer feel my heart beating in my chest, calves, arms, stomach, finger tips, neck, ears or head.
I can rest my head on my pillow and not hear every beat of my heart.

No tremors.
No vibrating.
I am still.
And I am quiet.
And that is something I will never ever ever take for granted.

And it is a beautiful thing.

This is worth one pill a day for the rest of my life. This is worth all the drama and radiation and time away....

to be able to experience the beauty of being still, and worth it all.

This feels good.

And I owe it all to a lot of different doctors...but one in particular....who I will be eternally grateful one that I believe the LORD providentially brought me to.

I saw her for a completely unrelated matter...she was a gynecologist. :~) But she's the one who finally listened. She's the one who's eyebrows finally crinkled together. She's the one who thought to run a lab on my thyroid. After years of living with was a gynecologist who I'd never seen who finally caught it.

I have no doubt the Lord brought me to her office. I have no doubt the Lord placed that specific medical assistant in there and raised her awareness to my high heart rate. I have no doubt the Lord gave me a pressing need to continuously bring up specific symptoms. I have no doubt it was the Lord who planted a seed of concern in the gynecologist for my thyroid.

I don't believe in coincidence. I believe in God who plays an active role in my life, working on my behalf and orchestrating things for my benefit.

And in my new found stillness I revel in overwhelming gratitude and am reminded to offer up sweet thankfulness to my God who loves me.

Feels so good to be still...and loved.


Brooke said...

So glad all that iodine a d isolation and medical probing paid off! Happy to hear you feel like a new person. You are so upbeat, I would have never guessed you had it as bad as you described! God knew you deserved to be better! Love you!

Holly said...

you should frame that paper and write "Go God" across it before you do ;-)

Liz W. said...

I agree, you should LAMINATE it!!!

D'Ache' said...

Yea!!!!! :-)