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Thursday, July 15, 2010

What happened to my kids?

For the past three days Marvelly has been ultra rebellious. And I do mean ultra!

Not taking naps, getting out of bed (which she never does!) and sneaking into the playroom while she's suppose to be napping. Then, not going to sleep at night. Turning on the light, reading books, getting out of bed to play by Sydaleigh, total indifference to correction. It's the total 'Marvelly show'. She just wants to have fun, and that's all.'s really starting to wear on me......

and this morning with Sydaleigh....

she preceded to leech onto me at VBS, throw a temper tantrum about me leaving , and display some intense separation anxiety. She's been going fine for the past three days, and then, boom, out of no where.....FREAK OUT!

I had to leave, with her, and she is now sitting in her bed until lunch time. What she chose over going to VBS today.

I don't get it! I just don't flippin' get it!

Did somebody sneak some crazy juice into the water or something?!

What's up with my kids?!


Brooke said...

As I'm reading this my child is screaming bloody murder b/c he doesn't want to take a nap. Not to mention that it took me 2 hours to get him to sleep last night. Something must be in the air! I hope it gets better for you!!!

Tera said...

Hee HEE HEEE! I am so sorry I really shouldn't laugh, but that is EVERYNIGHT here at our house. Luckily I still wake them up FIRST thing in the morning and they learn pretty quick sleep is a priority. As far as the VBS, you might want to make sure she didn't get in trouble, hurt, or made fun of. We had a bullying incident and it added some anxiety for awhile. Just a thought! Good luck! Call anytime to vent or cry, or LAUGH!!

Georgia said...

kids have their own agenda and they NEVER tell us what it is! we so kindly plan out the day for them, down to the food, activities, transportation - the works - and even include them in the discussion and let them know what is going to happen during the day - yet THEY have no consideration toward us when it comes to telling us, "oh, i think i'm going to have a major temper tantrum today - just giving you the heads up". yeah. if only.