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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Getting ready for school

I took Sydaleigh out for some special Mommy time last night before dinner. With her being in VBS this whole week she isn't getting as much face time with me as she's used to, so we went shopping, just us.

I took her to pick out some new clothes for preschool next month. Which I can't believe is only a month away. Normally, I just pick up the girls clothes on clearance at Target or hit up my favorite kids consignment shop (they don't know the difference), but starting school is special, so I let her pick out some special things.

Of course she wanted everything she saw. She was nearly bouncing off the walls with delight looking at everything. But, it was fun to talk with her about clothes, and colors, and matching, and this and that. I remember the thrill of shopping for new clothes every year before school started, it was surreal being on the other side, as the parent this time, feeling it through the eyes of my own child. :)

1 comment:

Bekah Boo said...

you're a great mom!
what fun talking style and color and dresses with your first baby girl! i LOVE It!