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Saturday, March 8, 2014

My Africa feet

This is what happens to your feet when you move to Burkina Faso where dirt roads outnumber paved streets by like a million to one, it is consistently over 100 degrees, and there is virtually no moisture in the air.

They get to lookin' like this.

I have been humbled in my pride in some pretty significant ways since moving here, so I really have no shame at this point in documenting my gnarly feet. Just keepin' it real. It's life here. We're dirty. And dry.

Even scrubbing with soap, water, and a loofa won't get off the dirt. I have to scrape my foot with a metal foot scrubber every day in the shower, and by the next night, it looks like this all over again. It's kinda depressing.

There is going to come a day, in like, a year and a half from now when my feet are gonna be clean again and not have cracks the size of the grand canyon in them.

It's gonna be awesome.

Really lookin' forward to it.

Until that day comes, I always have that little patch of skin to remind me that my feet are suppose to be white.

1 comment:

Georgia said...

flip flops! we'll see what happens with crocs with socks! love ya