Come on in...

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Went to T.J.Maxx the other night. Even drove there all by myself, at night, in a new part of town.

I do love me some good cheap T.J.Maxx, oh yes I do.

I was walking slowly through the store, reveling in my aloneness and the fact that I was able to look at clothes without being manhandled by my children.

I was browsing through dresses when I looked up and saw a clearance sign hanging over by the shoes.

I make my way over there.

I start looking at some really nice shoes, handbags, and apparel. 

"Hmmm....these look a bit too nice for T.J.Maxx," I thought to myself.

I look inside one of the handbags I had my eye on, pull out the tag, and


I dropped the tag and stumbled back as if I just touched a dead body. 

"That's a $1,200 Prada bag!"

I look around. Eyes buggin'. Mouth gaping. Wondering if anyone else is as appalled by this as I am.

Nope. Just me I guess. 

I turn in slow motion back towards the bag (and all the other Prada bags next to it), eyes still buggin', mouth still gaping open...

"That's a twa-elve hun-dred dolla Prada freakin' T.J.Maxx!"

Never in my life! Never in my life have I been so sticker shocked before! Where do they think they are?! They do know that this is T.J.Maxx right?  Because last time I checked, T.J.Maxx was a bargain shopping store. We're not in Beverly Hills shopping on Rodeo Drive. What's the matter with these people?!

I want to know who authorized for that Prada merchandise to be sold in that store. I would like to know! tell me! I mean's freakin' T.J.Maxx! And people who shop at T.J.Maxx don't buy no $1,200 Prada bags. Okay?! We buy like, $24.99 CalvinKline sweaters, sometimes, but mostly we really buy $12.99 sweaters by MalvinKline cause we be shoppin' at T.J.Maxx and nobody who shops there wants to spend more than $20.00 on a piece of clothes!

I mean really...really....even if you did buy a $1,200 Prada bag at would never freakin' admit that! 

"Oh, like my new bag. It's a Prada. I got it at TJMaxx." 

No.Way! You would lie through your freakin' teeth about where you bought that bag! Why?! Because it's a Prada. And the people that wear Prada would look at you like you just grew gangly warts all over your face while you were standing there if you ever admitted that. And as much as I drool about getting stuff on sale.....there is some stuff you.just.don't brag about buying on clearance.....and Prada is one of them. Especially if you got it at T.J.Maxx.

I mean, T.J.Maxx has been around way too long to try and start pulling the cool card now. It's like Kmart. Like....ten, fifteen years ago when KMart tried to revamp their image, new sign, new merchandise design....but at the end of the day....guess what? It's still just a Kmart. And T.J.Maxx can try as they may to sell their $1,200 Prada bags and Gucci shoes....but at closin' time....they will always be $1,200 poorer....because they're still just a freakin' T.J.Maxx...where people don't come to buy no $1,200 anything!


D'Ache' said...

HAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAaaaa! Thank you for my morning laugh. That is great! Rich people like a bargain too but they just don't want to admit to buying something, let alone going into a TJ Maxx. :-)

Georgia said...

hahahaha!!!! the stuff i have to learn about shopping!

Holly said...

apparently we aren't in Kansas anymore Dorthy

Liz W. said...

I wish you would have posted a pic. I bet it was hideous too!