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Sunday, March 4, 2012

A first dinner with new friends and getting "prepared" for Africa

Last night we had dinner with the other couple going to Africa with us, Heath and Becky. We met at a restaurant in Old Alexandria and spent the evening getting to know each other.

They are lovely. And fun. And personable. And we hope to form a solid lasting friendship with them during these next two years of living in a third world country together. God clearly had his hand on both of our selections and I'm excited to be going on this adventure with them and seeing how God uses our lives in relationship to each other and time in that country.

Heath also happened to spend some time in Burkina Faso a little while ago so we picked his brain of "what to expect" while we're there....we learned...

-the biggest airport, in the capital Ouagadougou, has a dirt floor.
-they make pizzas with eggs cooked in the middle
-they have very good food with lots of French restaurants
-the only people he met that spoke any English were the workers at his hotel, and still, it was like a foreign language
-almost everyone in the capital speaks French
-I will not have to sleep under a mosquito net
-I will need to drink only out of bottled water
-really slow dial up internet, the fastest they have available, cost $300 a month (US dollars)
-one of the most relaxed "Muslim" countries around, extremely tolerant to other religions
-the people are incredibly nice, nicer than you'd expect them to be, considering their living conditions
-there is plenty of outreach opportunities, all I have to do is walk through the markets and the children will be "reaching out" to me
-they have what's called "begging gangs" where small children are herded into large groups to beg in the streets.....

and there was more....but my mind stopped there. It just, stopped there.

I am excited. Very. But when I start to consider what life is going to be like when we get there, my excitement turns into nervousness. And then I wonder what we've gotten ourselves into. Because, truly, we have no idea. We have no idea what we've gotten ourselves into. I try to research the country, the people the culture, and listen to my French... in hopes of being somewhat prepared for life when we get there.

But then the Lord whispers.....

"you need to be more focused on preparing yourself in Me."

And I know He is right. I know that I can stuff myself silly with African facts and French sayings....but it is not going to truly prepare me for what's in store. The only way that I can effectively prepare myself for what's in store is by stuffing myself silly with Jesus.

I have felt for a while the Lord whispering to me that these next five months in D.C. are to be a time of preparation.....

but mostly, to prepare myself in Him. He keeps saying it. Whispering it. Encouraging me in it. Reminding me of it. The importance of it. Preparing myself in Him. Because that is what's going to make the difference. Not my language skills. Not my ability to ride side saddle in a skirt on a scooter. Not my efforts to learn to cook new foods. Not learning to sew. Not researching the region....but Jesus. He is going to make the biggest difference in my life over there. He is going to determine whether I smile or whether I scowl. He is going to determine whether I move forward or turn back. He is going to determine whether I love or look away.

My French skills won't really matter at the end of the day....only Jesus will. And whether I choose to follow Him or not.


D'Ache' said...

That is awesome!!!!!

We had pizzas in Turkey made the same way. It is quite delicious!

Bekah Boo said...

you know me. and my ideas.
but, this, this is the linch pin. this is the tipping point.
this. He. He. He.
He is all you need.
Really and truly in the most desperate way.
I couldn't agree more.