After dinner tonight Sydaleigh wiggled it while eating her cake and it bent all the way forward (I was cringing) and I called for Isaak and he pulled out the teeny tiny tip that was barely hanging on.
now ya see it (this morning)
now ya don't! (tonight!)
Marvelly needed to inspect it.
I was so happy and screaming for joy I forgot to cry. I really thought that once she started losing teeth that I would be bent over clenching my mid section hyperventilating....but I was totally cool! No tears...just shreaks of excitement for her.She handled it like such a champ. She was a little nervous last night when it decided to get super wiggly and came in our room after bedtime to show us just how much it was moving. She asked a lot of questions, like if it was gonna bleed a lot, or hurt coming out, but I assured her it would hurt no more than taking off a bandaid, hurts for just a second then no more. But when it came out today it didn't hurt at all. So she wasn't traumatized. :~)
I thought the front tooth next door would fall out first. That darn thing has been a wiggling for months. Months. And it's still sitting in there. And Isaak refuses to yank them out, insisting they fall out completely naturally. But the one that came out today was barely hanging on so I convinced him to give it the final heave.
So that's it.
She's on her way to shedding her last remains of babyhood.
WHAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! So so so thrilled for her!!
(and since I only have a $5 bill, I guess that's what's goin' under her pillow...I really need to keep some 1's on hand from now on. :~ )
HOORAY SYDALEIGH!! Super proud of mom and dad too! How exciting! They just keep looking older after that first tooth! ENJOY!!
tell her she owes the tooth fairy 4.00!! she looks so excited!!! what a cutie. love ya's.
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