I heave hoed that nasty sandbox to the trash finally and in it's place Sydaleigh asked if that could be her garden. So she took my Mother's Day flowers Isaak sent to Iowa and stem by stem put them in the dirt. And she made herself a garden. It only lasted a couple days but it was pretty while it lasted.
Base safety awareness day got the girls some rockin' balloon creations and some fancy face paintings.
Memorial weekend we took the girls to CoCo keys. And Sydaleigh braved nearly every water slide while Marvelly pretended to be a mermaid in the kiddie pool.
Me and Brandi hit up Jone's Brothers to see what all the talk is about.
Those were the heaviest most delicious cupcakes in the world. Talk.A.way. It's warranted.
We went to the strawberry farm with Liz and the girls. We didn't pick any strawberries but had fun on their playground till they tried to charge us $2 a kid to play. I don't think so. :~)
Isaak got pie'd by an eager friend at his squadron picnic. All in good fun. Unless you ask Sydaleigh who absolutely refused to watch. She did not think it was funny. Marvelly did though. :~)
Sydaleigh asked to get dressed up so I could take her picture-just because.
I do love me some just because picture takin'.
I went back to the strawberry farm with the girls to actually pick strawberries this time. And then they wouldn't eat them. Soooooo, I decided to make something with them. I don't know exactly what I made. Some kind of strawberry jam kinda thing. I just kinda threw a bunch of stuff together and I'm not brave enough to try it and not because I think it will taste bad (I'm sure it's extraordinary) :~)...I just don't like fruits outside of their original form. So it waits in the fridge for Isaak.
He's brave, he'll try it...whatever it turned out to be.
#1 - Sydaliegh is standing exactly like you in the balloon picture
#2 - I don't like fruit like that either but for what it's supposed to be it actually looks really good - almost like a strawberry topping for ice cream or a cheese cake
#3 - that cupcake place looks fun!
#4 - have I mentioned that I hate living this far away!????
I absolutely loved the pictures of the girls. Man, those cupcakes...YUMMO! I had fun the other night with the girls. I just love seeing little Marvelly. One of these days if you can't find her, check my pocket...I just want to pick her up and snuggle. Um, yeah, and I DON'T feel that way about other people's kids. But she is just too stinking cute.
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