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Friday, December 10, 2010

Feels like home to me

Geesh, getting a good picture seemed next to impossible. Standing on the docks in Old Alexandria, admiring the night time view of ships at rest and lights at play in the distance. Someone thought it would be a good idea to give Isaak a camera. Just one picture. One good picture is all we need. Tee hee...
getting Isaak to take a good picture is like trying to get him to clap to a easy task. He just starts snapping away whether you're ready or not (love you babe!) So if you give him a camera, you better be ready, or you'll end with with a bunch of these...

Dude, I'm not even facing the right direction

me-"Buah ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

 "you talkin' to me?!"

"almost ready, just hold on a minute!"

"okay, ready. Dang, it turned out blurry!"
"okay I think we're good. No really, we're good, great job babe. I think I'll just use Holly's pics."

 That's better.

Well, it's been 8 months. Eight months since we said goodbye and parted ways each to our God designated spots. But, even though she's at her place and I'm at mine, we never really said goodbye.  That's because you don't actually say goodbye to a friend like this. A forever friend is always at phone lengths distance at best. Or a plane ride. Or a train ride. Or a car ride. Distance really becomes irrelevant.

And this is where my heart is at home. Where there is no pretense. No awkward reunion. You just pick up where ya left off and keep on livin' as if you were never separated. Because at heart you never were.

Saying it was good to see her seems trite. And small. And lacking. Seeing her feels like my home away from home. Comfortable. Easy. Her, Jake, the girls.... all a part of me. My people. And I love that God allowed them into my life to be my people.

Well, we did what we do best... talk, laugh, shop, dine, dream, plan, praise.  All in two days time. :~)

Amazing two days. My gratitude and thankfulness to Him who gave me you as a friend. Blessing me with a friend like you for the goodness of my life- and for the betterment of His Kingdom. That's double the goodness right there.

Until next time.
Me and Holly-old town Alexandria, VA 11/20/10

(In all fairness our head band thingies are different colors. We didn't purposefully buy nearly identical bands. We just naturally gravitate towards the same things.) :~)


Holly said...

I was laughin' at the beginning of the post and cryin 'at the end!
(kinda reminds me of our Tues nights!)

love you girl!

Liz W. said...

I'm happy & jealous (all at the same time) after reading this.

and now crying....