Come on in...

Monday, June 7, 2010


Isaak left for Royal Family Kids Camp on Sunday. He is there as a counselor and paired with him is another male leader and they are each assigned to two kids. The children arrived around lunch time on Monday. I get a call from Isaak at dinner time...he says,

"wow, this is such an amazing and difficult experience so far. I over heard one of the kids in my group ask the other leader, "can you adopt me?" "


there went his heart. just like that. not 6 hours into camp.

simply heartbreaking.

1 comment:

Bekah said...

this post.
broke me.
its so sharp and to the point and real.
just so sad....

RFKC is the organization my boss worked for and ran here in SA before branching out to reach more kids throughout the year and founded RaG. small world...