Isaak, without thinking about the horrendous implications for asking such a question decided to ask Sydaleigh before he left for school....
"S0 Sydaleigh would you rather have a baby doggy, or a baby cat"
I shoot him the evil eye, and ask, "why did you ask her that!?"
"What, I'm curious..." he said.
(oh, the man has no idea what a dangerous question that is round here)
to which Sydaleigh replied, "I'd rather have a baby doggy!" (all happy, probably because she was thinking he planned to get her one.)
followed by, "can we get a baby doggy??!!?"
to which I quickly replied, "nooo, not until Chief and Nanni die."
So, in her very clever four year old way of thinking she says, "well, lets get a baby doggy and just bring Chief and Nanni back to the store"
Hey now, What?! Nanni is my cat, she's been with me for the past ten years, a whole decade...don't get any ideas!
So, I try to reminder her that, "Sydaleigh, Chief and Nanni are a part of our family, we're not going to get rid of them. Wouldn't you be sad if you couldn't see them anymore? "
"Well, we can give them to someone else," she responds without even batting an eye.
"but Sydaleigh, Chief and Nanni love you so much." (trying to lay it on thick)
"Well, we can get a baby doggy and they can love someone else," she says just dismissing them!
Dang girl!
Where is the loyalty I tell ya!
I don't know where this romantic notion comes from from owning a dog...they stink, they poop outside, you step in their poop outside, you have to pick up their poop outside...uh uh!
No thank you.
So now (like literally this very second, I'm typing as she talks) I'm hearing lots of whining talk that goes as follows,
"but Moooommmmy, I really want a doggy!"....."sorry"
"Can we get a doggy after quiet time?"...."no."
"Can we get one after nap time? "..."no."
"Can we get one tomorrow?"....."no."
" But I'm grown up, now can we have one."....."no."
"But I thought we were going to give Chief and Nanni to someone else!"....."no."
"Well after Chief and Nanni die we're going to get one!"
Curious aye, thanks a lot Isaak!
I agree with Sydaliegh, you need a baby doggy! Although, I would not be happy with Mr. Isaak at all!
Men don't get it, dangerous questions, sheesh.
You can bring her over to pick up poop at my house....she may rethink the situation.
FUNNY! My friend tried to train her daughter to pick up "poopie treasures" for a penny apiece. It worked for a while, but the novelty wore off. I am waiting till the boys are big enough to have a dog as a 4H project and then they will get judged on how well they do and I won't have to take care of it 100% of the time. :o)!
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