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Monday, May 10, 2010

Battle of the wills

Mother's day would not be complete in my book without me doing what I do best...

being a Mommy.

It's just that in some cases, having to be the mom kind of puts a damper on the party.
Oh well I say.

Last night during dinner Sydaleigh refused to eat a bite of potatoes.
In all fairness, she has never, ever, ever liked potatoes, even as a baby.
But, me being the mom, still require her to at least try all her food if she wants a treat.
And seriously, that is so reasonable!
That is light compared to some other mommies I know!

So, I finally get her to take one bite (and we're talking small) and she proceeds to vomit it back up on the table.
Over a potato.
I thought she was just going to gag, and hold it down, but no luck, it came back up.
There is nothing this kid hates more than potatoes...
but again....I say oh well.
I'm not trying to force her into liking something, just teaching her to try.

So, she tries to finagle her way into getting a treat because she tried it, hoping I'd forget that she threw it up. And when I didn't came a full blown tantrum, no doubt feeling the world was treating her completely unfairly.

Hard life lessons in this house I tell ya.

Isaak does his best upstairs to calm her down, and convince her to try again so she can enjoy eating dessert with us...but she refused.

She did however convince Isaak that she would forgo dessert tonight and just have cake and ice cream tomorrow after lunch instead.

That's what both Isaak and Sydaleigh told me when they came back downstairs.

Wait, What?!


Oh...she's good.

I mean, coming to the conclusion in her head that she will suffer through not eating dessert tonight, and waiting until tomorrow after that she doesn't have to be obedient today.


And she convinced Isaak it was a good idea.

I'm gonna have to watch these girls like a hawk with Isaak. They just have to bat their pretty eyes and he melts like a puddle. Good thing they have a mommy, who's a girl, and sees right past what they're doing!

She was none to happy when I squashed her plan. And told her she will not get any of that tasty cake and ice cream until she chooses to follow directions and be obedient.

A little tiny piece of potato and she went and planted her heels so far in the ground so would not be moved for nothin!

I'm praying her stubborn rebellion right now turns into a fierce conviction later on in her teen years...when she's faced with peer pressure and will.not.budge. from what she knows is right. I pray she plants her heels so far in that ground no boy or friend will be able to convince her to follow them into sin.

She'll get there, even if she never develops a liking for potatoes. And after talking to my mom today I may save her a piece of cake after all, and let her eat it in a few days, to show her some grace. My Mom was quick to remind me that even God doesn't hold us to all the consequences we deserve as a result of our stubborn wills. Ahhh, spoken like a true and wise Grandma!

1 comment:

D'Ache' said...

Yes, we've gone through the same thing. It will eventually stop. Connor no longer gags or throws up.....he's 7. :)