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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hurry up and write

Not much time for blogging these days. Which bums me out a bit because I do some love to write down our memories around here. But, the meaty stuff has to wait, because I have but fleeting moments that make up my spare time right here is a quick run down of what I'm juggling....

I am processing four senior portrait sessions and trying to have them complete before we head out of town on Thursday....

I am trying to finish our adoption profile, which has been at a stand still since I have to finish these portraits....

Squeezing in time to wrap up The Forgotten God in my bible study and start prep for our next series which we start in two days....

I haven't had a chance to put away my equipment from last Saturday, so it's floating around the house clogging up the "office", the living room, the garage, but that will all have to wait until the portraits are done and the letter is finished....

My house has never looked worse in between all the equipment laying around everywhere, the heaping piles of toys, shoes, clothes, every pillow and blanket laying on the floor of the living room which is currently a "playground" (according to Sydaleigh)...and that too will all have to wait until I finish the above mentioned....

I have another photo session tomorrow morning and one on Sunday when we return from KC.

Did I mention we are going out of town in four days to stay with these awesome people?

Because we I have to pack, and shop, and wrap up all the odds and ends that I am juggling at the moment.

But I never juggle the girls. My time with them during the day comes first, so I juggle the rest. And I'm okay with that.

So, craziness as usual.

(and that's just me, I don't have time to get into Isaak)

....but it feels good, even in the midst of the chaos and pandemonium that is my life sometimes....just knowing that it is full. And even if it all went away....I would still be full.

And that's it, times up...gotta juggle....

1 comment:

Beccy said...

You go girl! Tomorrow you should drop your girls off to play and head home to get some stuff done. We are gonna be home all day, and the boys would love company.