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Saturday, January 9, 2010

White bread is the bomb

I just love white bread.
But unfortunately, there is this big push right now, and has been for a really long time actually, that wheat is so much better for you.
So of course that is what I buy.
Because "they" say it's better.
I make my kids eat wheat, my husband eat wheat, myself eat wheat.
Wheat wheat wheat.
It's one of "those" rules..."You must eat WHEAT bread!"
Well, not today! Because I said, "Oh phooey" to wheat bread,
and I bought soft fluffy delicious chemically enhanced high fructose corn syrup injected white bread.
Yeah that's right!
I'm a white bread buying rebel!
And it was divine.
Truly, wheat does not even compare to the deliciousness of white bread.
You can just pull a slice out of the bag and let it melt in your mouth.
No need to toast it, butter it, or lather it in anything.
White bread can stand alone.
It is just.that.good.
So, I have two loaves to last me the next week.
I could only allow for two loaves for fear that the wheat bread police might come and raid my house of the good stuff.
So for the next week...I will be soaking up the goodness that is white bread.


The Toronto Family said...

you crack me up....

Anonymous said...

OMG, I cannot agree more, I LOVE white bread! I usually get the whole grain white bread for the kids, they really hate wheat and I have heard that the whole grain white bread is actually better for them than the wheat bread. No idea, anyway, though I am with you on the white bread deliciousness. I like to take a slice of white bread and then eat the crusts and roll the middle up in a little ball and then eat it that way.