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Friday, January 8, 2010

Current thoughts

I have a lot on my plate, and never enough time to get it all done.
I'm struggling managing my time effectively right now.
I'm struggling because I feel like I have no time.
How does a wife, a mom, a cleaner, a photographer, a friend, a bible study wannaber, an adoption planner, an exercise trainee, vacation researcher, a project all those things?
I'm looking at a pile of clean laundry that's been sitting on my bench for a week.
It's sitting there because everyday I run out of time to put it away.
So, I just dig for a clean sock here.
A long sleeve shirt there.
Hoping I will wake up and find that secret elves have put it all away for me.
I'd really like to have my life all pulled together at the same time.
I'd really like to have all my ducks in a row, in the same row, perfectly positioned, at the same time.
Not a duck up here.
A duck down there.
A duck running across the street over there.
Just a straight row of ducks.
I don't think that's asking for too much.
Now about those extra hours in the day that will allow me the opportunity to get them lined up...
still working on that one.


Tera said...

When you figure it out share your secret and MAKE MILLIONS!! I will admit I appreciate that someone else digs through clean baskets of laundry. With all the snow you guys are getting, do you have time to do anything but dig out your car??? I heard it is CRAZY!! Stay warm, and share some hot chocolate with your babies!

Anonymous said...

Can you send the secret elves over here when they are done with your house?