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Sunday, October 11, 2009

9 Years and counting....

Me and Isaak celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary this weekend and drove 30 miles south of here to Nebraska City to have dinner at the Lied Lodge.

A forty minute drive really made it feel that we were "getting away" for a bit. Since having kids nearly 4 years ago me and Isaak have never spent a single night away from the kids. Well, Isaak has for work, obviously, but we haven't. So, it was nice to pretend for a bit like we were away away. The food was scrumptious! It was totally worth the drive to eat there. The waitress gave us a free dessert because we were know I don't argue with free. :)

And then we drove home through the beautiful Nebraska landscape. It was a nice, quiet, simple, evening. Oh, and I got the most beautiful scarf! I love a good scarf...Isaak knows me well. :)

Happy 9 years and counting honey....


Liz W. said...

Geesh!! you guys are just TOO CUTE!!!!!!!

The Toronto Family said...