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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Up up and away

Me and the girls are flying solo this weekend. Isaak is participating in a huge inspection which requires him to work 14hr shifts, carry a gun, and pretend to fight off terrorists. How my dental assisting husband ever got tasked as leader of security during all exercises I will never know. Still scratching my head on that one...anyways, like I was saying before...we're flying solo. Naturally on the weekends Isaak has to work are the weekends that I have to work, want to take the girls to cool activities, need to work in the church...but, we roll with it. We always make it out alive and kickin' even when we're a man down.

So Saturday evening after I got back from The Portrait Project I took the girls over to Iowa for this awesome hot air balloon festival. Talk about bringing back memories! My mom used to take me and my brothers to see hot air balloons in Kalamazoo while we were growing up. Geesh, I haven't been to one of these since I was a kid, and I was so excited, like crazy happy excited! We got there a few minutes late and as we were pulling up to the orchard to park the balloons started ascending into the sky. Oh my gosh I totally freaked! Hot air balloons make me so happy, I was pointing and clapping and acting way more bonkers over them than even the girls were.
I know, that sounds really weird, but it's just one of those things. I luv em.

The orchard the festival was held at was nestled nicely in Iowas 'gently' rolling hills. And I say gently lightly...they are only gentle rolling hills if you are driving in the car and have power to get you up their gentle slopes. They are treacherous if you have to climb them in a double stroller!
Thankfully two nice men took pitty on me and loaded Sydaleigh, Marvelly, myself, the double stroller, my beast of a bag, and our two lawn chairs onto the back of a tracker hitch thingy and pulled us to the top of the hill. They had a couple of other trackers driving people back and forth, but just luggage. The way down to the car after the festival was a breeze, literally a breeze, a miracle I didn't loose control and send us flying into a careen the hill was so steep and soft thanks to all the rain yesterday. But like I said, we always seem to make it out alive and kicken' even when we're down a daddy. :) Here's a few pictures from our adventure last night.


Liz W. said...

How AWESOME!!! we went Friday night and it was cancelled (@ almost 8:00pm) due to weather. We had gotten there at 5:30 and got to see 1 of them being inflated) I'm totally going back to go apple picking though!

Kelly said...

Drew used to go to the balloon festival in Kalamazoo when he was growing up. All the Robinsons live in Battle Creek/Kalamazoo. In fact, they just had it and my m-in law watched the balloons from her porch. So awesome!

Marcie said...

Love the photos! I'm glad you had a wonderful day and that you shared it with us. Thanks. Love, Aunt Marcie.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I wish we could of gotten there! We were both just so tanked out after a visit ot the commissary, you know how much I love it there, and we coulnd't get up the energy. I will have to go to this next year, it looks too cool!

Rachael said...

Oh, I totally remember you guys coming down for the festival - good memories :)