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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Worst kids movie ever

I thought it would be a good idea to take the girls to the movies today. Our theater does a special kids movie every week at 10am running through summer, and today was the last day.

For our screening pleasure was the very kid friendly 'G' rated The Tale of Desperaux. It's about a cute little mouse with big ears who has a bravery complex and likes to be a hero. Sounds great. We're so there.

Well, it didn't exactly live up to those standards. It turned out to be the most barbaric, dark, ridiculous 'G' rated movie I'm ever seen. (and I've seen a lot)
In the first five minutes the Queen freaks out over a rat in her soup, has a heart attack, dies, and plants it face first into her soup. Follow that up by a freaky naurotic servant girl who has it in for the princess, ties her up while under the influence of a vengenful rat and ends up tossing her to all the other underground scarier rats who try to have a feeding frenzy on her. Compound that with a weird magical talking vegetable man, attempted gladiator style mouse/rat executions at the hand of a chained cat, banished for being different......
...that was the most unfriendly kid movie if you ask me.
But Sydaleigh actually liked it, so go figure.


Holly said...

yeah. it was just too wierd for us too.
my girls are 'saying' they had fun but not that they liked the movie - or maybe I'm just hoping that's what they mean!!!

Anonymous said...

I didn't like it either, I am glad you felt that way too! My kids were very bored with it too.

Liz W. said...

at least the tickets were only $3