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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

God is better than good.

I was forced into purchasing a new computer a couple weeks ago when my old MAC laptop spontaneously crashed and burned on me. Not only did I lose my computer, I lost every ounce of information it, documents, programs, you name it, gone.
So, not only did I have to buy a new computer I was now looking at having to buy Photoshop again.
Computers are pricey. Photoshop is pricey.
The cost wasn't looking good
But this was a must buy. I had senior pictures coming up and I needed to be up and running.
So I bit the bullet, took the plunge, and bought a new computer and new software.
Fortunately, Isaak is a student, so we got Photoshop for 75% off, plus an additional cost off the price of the computer. And, I got a free new IPOD touch to sweeten the deal.
Not too shabby.
However; I just got done reading The Treasure Principal when all this happened and my heart was heavy at the idea of spending so much money on a computer when I could be putting it towards a mission, feeding the hungry, anything, just something to make a Kingdom difference.
Granted, this computer and software will be used to further the efforts of my Portrait Project, as without it I would not be able to work....but lets face it...we're going to get a lot of personal use out of it as well.
So, it was then that I decided I could do better.
I wanted to do more.
I decided that I wanted to give away as much money in the Portrait Project during the course of this next year as I spent on my computer.
So, I took this desire to God.
I poured out my heart and my desire to have the Portrait Project reach more lives.
I wasn't going to meet my goal by simply doing a session every couple of months. I would need to be doing free sessions at least twice a month.
So, I prayed for two things.
First, that God would open up more doors for the Portrait Project to reach more lives.
And second, that he would give us the ability to meet the needs of this Project financially.

A couple days went by and then one afternoon I sat down on the couch to catch up on my emails and I had a new message from the director of CASA. She said they are the beneficiaries this year of a charity fundraiser and wanted to know if I would be the photographer for the event.
Just like that. God flung open a door.
So at the end of August I will be photographing a really nice charity fundraiser at the Embassy Suites.
But God didn't stop there.
A week and a half ago I had just gotten back from doing senior portraits for a very deserving young girl, when another opportunity rolled in.
Jake started telling me about a woman who hosts a fundraiser for Jude's Children's Hospital every year in September to raise money for cancer patients. Jake asked if she was in need of a photographer for the event, and sure enough, she was! So, in September I will be photographing kid cancer patients and their families.
Another door, flung open.
You know, six months ago I probably would have been scared to take this project in a larger capacity. But I'm not scared now. I'm ready. I'm ready and I'm excited.
And I didn't even have to do anything.
That's what gets me.
I gave God my heart. He knew I was sincere. I told Him that this ability and passion was for His glory, and He did the rest.
To say that God is good just doesn't cut it for me anymore.
God's not just good.
Calling God good isn't good enough.
He's more than good.
He's exceptional, spectacular, all mighty, all providing, extravagant, stupendous, breathtaking, astounding....these words are worthy of our Lord.
I can't wait to see what other doors God busts open for the Portrait Project to benefit lives.
But God knows, and God sees, and I know that if I'm faithful to give, He'll be faithful to provide.
Because our God is better than good.


Holly said...

got another contact at the Summit today!!!
Salvation Army in South O!!!

Bekah Boo said...

O missy!!! what a wonderful testament to God's goodness!!! I feel that way so much wiht being here in Africa. I wasn't even really looking for this, and He opened the door and its all fallen into place. I know I shouldn't be surprised when stuff like this happens, but He's just so wonderful and good and I'm just so forgetful. I am SO excited for you for these opportunities. What a blessing and gift you are giving SO many people. I'm so proud of you!!

The Toronto Family said...

thanks for your example, I really need it. I'm still in search for what I am to do, I feel there is opportunities here waiting for me, I'm just not sure where it is or how to get started. I did my sisters pictures and I doing my neighbors senior pictures, but doing a business just does not feel right. I need to do more pondering and prayers on the matter, and have more faith that the lord will guide me to what he wants me to do, thanks for your example... it's a bit overwhelming I'm not sure where to start.... but I'm confidant that the answer will come.