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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pay attention!


I'm not super thrilled to be starting the post this way but I'm a tad on the peeved side following gymnastics this morning.

And I know that after I write this I will reread it and think, "it's not that big a deal", but for right now-I'm erked.

Today was parent observation day at gymnastics, they have this the last practice of every month.

I'm thinking cool, I'll get to watch Sydaleigh flip around and do her thing, see what she's up to.

However, not one minute into practice it dawned on me that Sydaleigh doesn't do so well with me watching, or others for that matter. She gets self conscious, wants to sit by me, I'm her comfort, I get it.

So, after she runs back to me for the second time I tell her I'm leaving, will be back in a little bit and she needs to follow the teacher's directions.

I go in the hallway for a few minutes and then go back to the door and look through the window just to make sure she's participating and what do I find.....

no Sydaleigh.....

I don't see her sitting with the group so I peak my head inside and there she is, sitting all alone, on a mat, on the other side of the floor.

The instructors not paying any attention to her, the assistants not paying any attention to her, so.....

I walk onto the mat up to Sydaleigh and reassure her that gymnastics is fun, not to be scared, and to go sit down by the teacher and follow her directions.

ERRRR! Come on people, I'm paying you to teach my kid! Take notice of her!

Is it too much to ask that seeing her sitting all alone, nervous and self conscious with all the parents looking on, that you could take ten seconds to hold her hand, walk her over to the group, and encourage her!

I don't think that's too much to ask!

I'm paying you to teach her, encourage her, and make her feel as comfortable as possible learning something new!!!

I'm so ticked right now.....


Holly said...

I would have been ticked too - maybe next week will be better!!!

Tera said...

Sorry to hear about your lesson. I admit I love to hear that I am not the only mom to get irked!! But I realize I do have a little mother bear in me, and I would have walked up to the instructors and said I think you forgot one, could you help her feel comfortable, and included??? I have learned not to assume that anyone knows what my kids need. I don't mind helping other see where they can help, and I work hard to do my part at home motivating and encouraging. Try hard to realize if you have a problem kindly vocalize it, you are right you are paying them, let them know what you expect. Good luck!!

Mary Anne said...

Me too!I am mad too. I miss you all so much. Love you, Mary Anne