Come with me...
A moto driver sticking out his hand to indicate a left turn. This is the "turn signal" of choice whether or not you have a functioning signal on your mode of transportation.Prisoners of poverty washing their clothes and filling their daily water barrels with murky canal water piled high with garbage.
A maquis worker gutting a pig for the afternoon lunch crowd.
Scenes from Burkina.
not sure how you stomached the pig one (!) but these are great photos! the book title for sure. love ya those pictures! (and the font of your titles! how do you get that font?!?)
This is kind of a personal question... how on earth will you reconcile your life back in the states with all of these experiences? I sit here, stateside, and read your blog with an out of this world experience... and I desire to experience it for God. Serving where this is deep need. Where different isn't wrong (I tell EVERYONE that - from you - thank you!) but where I can appreciate different for what it is. Survival. Today I ponder the flip. Are you nervous about coming back... to paved roads, tight laws, inconvenient conveniences? :-)
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