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Friday, October 24, 2014

An impressive approach to food disposal

There are a lot of things in this world I have learned I can live without. For instance....

a dishwasher, cable t.v., a blow dryer, makeup, greek yogurt, fresh air, cool air, rain, fancy shoes, paved roads, running water, flushable toilets, electricity, being clean, a car, boneless fish and Target (self revelations since moving to this third world country and having these nice conveniences either no longer at my disposal or sporadically removed for various lengths of time).

In light of the many things I have determined I can in fact live without I have discovered that some things are vital to my existence. And one of those things is a....

garbage disposal.

Yep. That's right. It's true. No shame sayin' it either.

And when I say that a garbage disposal is something that I can't live without, I'm talkin' major major necessity, like, right up there with water....oh, and cereal, and Jesus....all must haves.

However, here is where the problem lies.

I don't actually, have a garbage disposal. Tragic, I know. Of all the injustices in the world, that I should have to live without a garbage disposal in Burkina Faso! Terrible!!

But, I found a way to rectify this little problem. Being the moderately innovative person that I am, I have come up with my own version of a garbage disposal.

It's a little something I like to call the old stick a butter knife down the little tiny sink holes and forcefully stuff all remaining food down the drain never to be seen of again- method of garbage disposaling.

Pretty ingenious, I know.

And effective too.

Thanks to my ingenuity I don't have to touch any food that gets thrown in my sink because little people mistake it for a garbage can (which is good, because I have a major aversion to wet bread. Oh my gosh....ick, I can't even touch it. Just the idea of touching mushy bread makes me want to gag. *shudder* And for some reason my little people like to throw their sandwich remains in the sink, and then dump their water cups over it. So, so gross. I can't even...uugh) .

Like I said, my ingenious method for garbage disposaling in W. Africa when my home doesn't have a modern garbage disposal, works pretty darn good.

I'd say, it is a great alternative to having the real deal. Just a few jams of the knife down the little holes and voila! Food be gone! 

Now ya see it....
Now ya don't!

Potatoes, rice, spaghetti noodles, bread, cauliflower all goes into the abyss, forever.

And by forever what I really mean is until the pipes clog, and, the sink starts backing up, and spitting all the food I jammed down it (and thought was gone forever, what happened?!) back into my life.

Traitorous pipes....

Oh well.

It works for a little while. Then I make Isaak deal with it.

Isaak doesn't understand why I can't just throw the food in the garbage. Oooh, husbands!
Do you not see where the garbage can is located?! That is like, a good six feet away from me! I can not be expected to walk all the way over there just to throw away some left over food. Left over wet food. Gah. Uumm, no. It be goin' down the drain. I ain't touchin' no mushy bread.

And, I really, like, really deep down in my heart, feel like my resourceful way for disposing of food is a win win for both me and Isaak. Be-cause! this allows him the opportunity to hone his handyman skills!

Of which, lets be honest, would not be honed to perfection without my attempts to modify things around the house.

I mean, I feel like this is a pretty fair trade off, I don't have to touch wet food, and he gets to practice being a plumber!

You are welcome, honey!

My impressive approach to food disposal is truly, truly, valuable on so many levels.


Liza said...

Hahaha, I love this. And I'm totally with ya on the wet food...gag. But, the thought of the overflowing pipes makes me shudder too. I don't know if I'm cut out for go girl. You do Africa with style :)

Georgia said...

what's that filter thing on the wall there by the sink?? that wasn't there when i was there. i know isaak is so glad i gave birth to you so that he could have you for his wife. he owes me. love ya!

TeraLyn said...

Melissa I snorted milk out of my nose while reading this because I was laughing so hard! I absolutely LOVE your ingenuity and your ability to help your husband reach his untapped potential :) Thank you so much for sharing. I miss you, and have loved seeing the beauty of new places through your eyes!!

Bekah Boo said...

i'm cracking up.
SOOOOO funny!!