An acid bug. Or, the Paederus Rove Beetle (little tiny beetles), that comes out of hiding near the end of rainy season and when squished against the skin they secrete a toxic chemical very much like acid that can severely burn your skin and leave painful blisters. We were cautioned about these when we first moved here. We were also cautioned to never slap or crush this bug off of our skin if one gets on us, but to very gently brush it off.
(side note-I got bit by a teeny tiny little ant a few weekends ago on the top of my foot and it felt like someone stabbed me with. a. knife! A knife! Oh my gosh it hurt so bad! My foot was sore for hours afterwards.Who'd a thought a little tiny ant could pack so much punch in its bite? And here's this acid bug which is about the size of the large wood ants. I'm tellin' ya, it's always the small bugs that inflict the most pain! Must stay away from small critters!)
Ewwww...that's way worse than the stink bug plagues in DC! At least those didn't bite :(
surely you remember the fire ants? stepped on a hill yesterday - got bit several times on the feet and ankles. these aren't too bad. other bites this year have resulted in large welts, blisters, and infections. from an ANT! i feel your pain - bwahahha! couldn't resist. love ya
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