....Oh how I would like to crawl up into a ball and recover some of the sleep I lost by my own indulging hands. I must say though, every lost minute of sleep was worth it, to sit and laugh with my mom and get started on a project we've been meaning to do and travel far away to the land of the Amish and cry over a story. All worth the loss of sleep, but I'll be paying for it today.
So, seen as how a return to slumber land is not in the cards for me this morning I think I shall hop in the shower in an attempt to think a bit clearer and then go to the forest and push my little man in the stroller anyways.
Well, thanks to the ability to get up and get dressed without it lookin' like I ever left the computer....I found out the Forest is closed on Mondays. What the?! So apparently I won't be needing my work out clothes after all today. Now what to do with my morning?! Some days, I really wish there was more stuff to do here. I could really go for a sidewalk right about now, or at the very least, I'd settle for less bumpy dirt roads so I could walk Steve in the stroller around my house. I'm gonna have to get creative here for ways to productively pass the time with him while the girls are in school. A routine is waiting to be had, I know it is....it's just kinda evading me at the moment.
Here I am again. It's currently the afternoon, so much for posting something short and quick this morning. Marvelly is now home and Sydaleigh will be here shortly and me and Stevie boy had a great morning playing outside. Thank the Lord for our yard. We may not have many options here as far as entertainment....but our yard packs a pretty big punch. We've got a lot of space here and I'm awful grateful to be able to come outside where there is grass, one swing, and plenty of dirt to dig in. I'd say I'm super grateful for our pool but that thing has been out of commission most of hot season. We lucked out with it working for the Easter party, but the very next day it pooped out again for the umpteenth time. We're still waiting for someone to come and fix it three weeks later.....
I gotta say....boys are so different in play! While outside today Stevie picked up the girls ring toss and proceeded to use it as a device to beat our bushes into submission!
Boys are so crazy! He hammered those things for a good thirty minutes and had the best ole time doing it.
It's Tuesday.
I should have posted this yesterday but time flew away from me. I tried going to the Forest to walk this morning, again, but it was closed, again!
Desperate for a place to go walking I called a friend and asked if I could park at her house and I drove down to Ouaga 2000 to walk along some paved streets. There are no sidewalks, but praise God that area actually has many paved roads weaving through the homes and limited traffic.
I felt like I was in a neighborhood! I mean, as close to a neighborhood as we can get here in Burkina. It felt so good. Ahhh, I needed that. Steven is a champ in the stroller too, he rides super well. Thank goodness we thought to bring our little umbrella stroller. I'm not sure how long it will hold up pushing him in it on these roads...but I plan to use it until its wheels fall off!
And I shall close this weird post about walking some of of Steven's mega awesome picture taking skills!
i cant stop laughing.
i love your weird posts... and then the photos.
i couldn't handle it.
at my desk, shaking trying to hold it in.
i like how you posted the one of me with my head cut off. i look fabulous!
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