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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Morning mommy monster

I had an epiphany this morning.

I'm not a morning person.

This revelation really struck me. Because I used to be. I still really want to be. I can be if I am allowed the time to wake up on my own accord and have peaceful moments of solitude before the demands of the day beckon to be dealt with.

But such is not my life right now.

Right now, I am not a morning person.

Currently, I am more of a morning mommy monster. The gleefully joyful morning person I used to be that jumped out of bed rearing to go has taken a back seat to a maniac.

I need to find a way to bring that lady back again. She was nice. And patient.....and nice....and patient.

I think my kids would really appreciate that chic coming back. As opposed to the drill sergeant standing next to them at the table barking for them to eat their breakfast faster or they're going to be late for the bus while trying to brush their hair and look for library books.

No body likes a frazzled totally whacked out drill sergeant monster of a mom.
This, a lie!! Oh look, we're so happy and smiling, and wearing real clothes and brushed hair by 6:30am! Fake! You should go to jail for so falsely misrepresenting yourself!

This is more up my morning reality...I mean, if you take away the nice hair, accessories, lip stick, and pretty dress. But if that chic was decked out in sweats, no bra, a sloppy pony tail, glasses and eye boogers...that would totally be me!

All I've gotta say is that I'm gonna be so happy when this school year is over and we can commence waking up with ease! And then I will have two whole months to erase the scarring I did to my kids from all the freaking out over lunch boxes and gym shoes I did as they prepared to leave each morning!

I'm counting down the days!!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

It is 0718 and I have yet to look in the mirror. Yet, I am reading blogs online & this may be part of my morning problem :) Love the no bra part- so true! xoxo