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Monday, August 13, 2012

Our first day in Ouagadougou

"There is a lady sleeping on our patio."

That is the first words I heard from Isaak when I woke up this morning! I'm sorry, say what?! Ha ha! Oh, that must be the housekeeper. Wonder how long she was ringing the bell before she gave up and took a nap?! Ahh, welcome to Africa. :~)

We've met lots of new people these past 24 hours. We met our housekeeper today. She was indeed the lady sleeping on our patio. Her name is Odette and she speaks all of three words in English. Which will be interesting because I speak all of three words in French! Oh my. What a team I pray we will make some day. :~) Isaak had to go into work this morning so it was just me to navigate communicating with her. I did lots of hand gestures but what I did say in French she managed to understand. Whoo hoo! I even learned a new word..."la douche" which means shower, which I only know thanks to my trusty French books. But I communicated it!

We met our security guard last night. So friendly and he does speak a little english. We exchanged hugs and then Isaak took him out some banana bread that the ambassadors wife baked us. When Isaak went out last night he was huddled up in the guard house with his coat and hat pulled tight, cold. It was still about 80 degrees outside. :~)

We briefly met the US ambassador at the embassy when we were there for a re-enlistment ceremony performed by a four star general who is visiting. I was told we have lunch at his house on Friday.

Our drivers name was Barry. But because of his think french accent I kept thinking he was saying "Balli". He wasn't. Eish. My bad. Glad to be corrected by Isaak when I saw him. Barry is cool. During our drive to the embassy I learned he is 48, Muslim, lived in Nigeria for twenty five years, born in Ghana, lived in Liberia, his dad died in 2001 and he has five kids (two boys and three girls).

I met our gardener when I went outside "talking" to Odette.

Met lots of people at the embassy, Americans and non.

Today was a busy day. Lots of introductions and "firsts." We got lots of sleep last night but there was very little "rest". Sydaleigh got sick this morning, throwing up from who knows what. Probably a combination of jet lag, hunger and dehydration. Thankfully she perked back up in time to get picked up by Barry. I cooked in the kitchen for the first time. The girls and Isaak swam in the pool for the first time. Visited an embassy for the first time. And wow. I thought an air force base was tightly secured. Holy smokes. This place was tighter than Fort Knox! Marvelly rode without a seatbelt for the first time. I think I'm going to have to brainwash the girls to get them back into US car riding requirements when we leave here. :~)

Tomorrow is busy still. Sydaleigh has orientation for school in the morning followed by my first trip to the market. Oh, and I somehow have to communicate with Odette again about rearranging the terms of her employment. Should be an interesting day. :~)

I am off to write down what I need to say in French.


Beccy said...

You go girl! How awesome that you have so many people y will interact with on a daily basis. Praying for them and for you. Keep up the good work! You were on my heart today ANd I discovered your phone number is in Andrew's phone two times, I am guessing I put it in and he probably added it when you guys took such good care of me and my family when I was in the hospital. Too funny. Made me remember to pray for you more!

Liza said...

You're there! You're there! You're there! I can't believe it. And I'm sooo thrilled to hear from you and about the adventure so soon. Keep posting and we'll keep praying!

Becky said...

Wow what an exciting day!!! When I went to Israel I was suprised to find that the jet lag not only made me feel ill but actually made me physically ill as well. Hopeful Sydaleigh feels much better now!

Brooke said...

Ahhh! So fun to read!!! Driver, housekeeper AND gardener?!?! How do I sign up for this gig ;) I was holding my breath as I was reading this, just remembering the sheer shock of a new country when we moved here. I cannot imagine AFRICA and FRENCH!!! Tripp totally puked from jet lag too! Hope everyone's feeling perky now :) Loved reading this!