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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Training wheels no more!

Another milestone!!

Today was that totally awesome day where Sydaleigh kissed her training wheels goodbye forever... FOR-EVER!!....peddling herself further into big girl world!! What up?!?!
It was a really nice day outside, so this afternoon I asked Isaak to take Syd's training wheels off so that she could give ridin' two wheels another go.

After some instruction, we let her loose on the basketball court behind our house. After a couple minutes...she picked it right up, and started zooming all over the court. ( I had to take Marvi inside so I left Syd in Isaak's hands...and while I was in the house, she started riding with no help. Thankfully, Isaak took some video so I still got to watch her ride solo for the first time...and then I cried.) :~)
After crashing into the fire hydrant in our yard in Nebraska, it took her a while to want to try again. But today was definitely the day that it just "clicked"!
So was so stoked! And incredibly proud of herself. At bedtime she prayed that God would help her to get better and better on her bike with no training wheels so she could ride really good. She then asked if we could go to the commissary and buy some food and she could ride her bike there. Tee hee! Love her enthusiasm and confidence!


Holly said...

WAY TO GO SYD!!!!!!!!! THAT'S A BIG DEAL!!!!!!!!!!
YOU'RE A BIG DEAL!!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!

Bekah Boo said...

I used to think she looked so much like you, but she really is her father's daughter...
SO proud of Syd!! WOOOO HOOO!

Lisa said...

I am so proud of her determination and focus on conquering her goal. Way to go! There is no stopping her now! In a few years I can just hear her encouraging Marvy to not give up. Proud smiling Aunt over here :).

D'Ache' said...

Awesome job!!!!!! :-)