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Monday, November 7, 2011

random bits and pieces

-This morning as we were getting coats on to head out the door to bring Sydaleigh to school, we got a knock from our neighbor down the street.

She asked if that was our car, parked down the street in front of her house.

Yup, that'd be ours.

She went on to inform me that she saw it driving down the street, without a driver in it.

*(that would be the part that my eyes bulge out of my head, and I slowly turn my bulging eyes towards Isaak-where they narrowed a wee bit)

"I'm sorry, come again?"

She told me that she jumped into our moving vehicle, stopped it, and parked it for us, figuring we forgot to put on the parking brake.

Um. "We". No. Isaak. Yes.

Yeesh. She stopped it right before it hit the Chief's daughter's car. Lord knows that woulda been a freakin' nightmare.  

Thankfully we have super brave neighbors who'll jump inside moving vehicles to keep them from careening into parked cars, curbs,

oh wasn't even 8am and I was already needin' to go back to bed... :~)

-I attempted to recreate this outfit below with a super cute deep blue ruffled dress I already had, a skinny belt, my brown boots, and some mustard tights I recently purchase...
Yeaaah....except, I purchased sheer mustard tights...which only made me look like I had a bad case of jaundice goin' on.

FYI....a bad case of jaundiced lookin' legs ain't cute. At all.

-I managed to burn myself six times in a two minute period with my glue gun trying to make a cork board out of an old frame. Dang you Pinterest!! Motivating me to be crafty!

-T minus twelve days until we leave for vacation!! WAHOO!!! Hilton Head Island for seven whole days in a house with almost my whole family. It is going to be so wildly fun. Beach. Lots of food. Bringing down the smack in Catan....and possibly poker, if I can remember how to play, and the boys are brave enough to let me join them again. Oodles of family. Shopping. Late nights. Loads of laughing. Oye. I can't wait.

-We had an adoption seminar late last week about Trans-racial adoptions. There is so little we can do while we wait, that it felt good to feel like we were "doing" something. We learned a lot. But, we also have a good many of our own thoughts on the matter, so we discarded what information we felt didn't apply. So glad to have gone though. It certainly made us appreciate our lives within the military even more. One thing is for certain, there is no shortage of racial and cultural diversity in the military. And we really feel like that gives our family a great advantage when it comes to acceptance and exposure.  We love that our girls are being raised in a diverse environment. And pray that it will always be that way.

-Despite the fact that Isaak forgot to put on the parking brake this morning and threatened the whole street with his wild unmanned car....he still husband of the year because he surprised me with an early birthday/Christmas20011/early birthday/Christmas 2012 gift to go see Bekah in March!!!

Oh happy day!!! They secretly planned it without my knowing. My heart is so happy it doesn't even seem real. Can.not.wait. to see my dear friend for four whole days! EEK!!

I see a trip to Forks in my future. :~) Oh.yeah.


D'Ache' said...

LOL at Issak! hmmmm sheer mustard tights....don't know about that one. But how fun, a special trip! :-)

Bekah Boo said...

husband of the year fo real, girlfriend... mmmhmmm!!! YES!
and Please OH PLEASE send me a photo of you and those tights!!! hahahahah I am laughing so hard imagining it!!!
I was thinking we should get like glitter paint to put on ourselves so when we go to forks and port angeles we can take photso of ourselves sparkling like diamonds in the sunlight!!! eeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!
and what the crap?!?! your car drove itself! maybe it was a vampire that drove it and then 'ran' away!!!!! Edward is chasing after you!