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Monday, April 18, 2011


Sydaleigh at breakfast....

"Mom, don't say 'dang it'. 'Dang it' means poop and you shouldn't say it."

"We need to recycle this bottle. This triangle mean recycle so we need to recycle it."
me-"where did you learn about recycling?"
Syd-"George" (as in Curious George)

"Mom, when I get older I'm going to move far away. Because when I'm a grown up I'm not going to live here anymore. I'm going to live in a big city."

I have to say that there was a part of me that was near hyperventilating. But I handled her five going on fifteen statement pretty well...I think.

I told her that the world is huge with lots of places and big cities to explore. And when she gets older there will be lots of places she can go and discover.

Encouraging independence.
Encouraging independence.
Encouraging independence.

I want her to grow up and take the world by storm.
I want her to go forward with out fear and explore the unknown.

I just wasn't prepared to hear about her desire for this at five.
I guess at least I've got a good head start to prepare her...and myself...before she actually does.

Ahhh, ya just never can prepare yourself for what your kids will say. But, you can guarantee they will catch you off guard with whatever it is.

Happy Monday to me. :~)


D'Ache' said...

or...."Momma, when I'm married I won't be able to spend time with you anymore because I'll be married." Out of my 5yr old's mouth.

Kelly said...

Oh my goodness! Such a little smartie :) Miss you guys!

Georgia said...

love my sydaleigh!!!