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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Will I make it????

I told myself last night after I finished New Moon that I was going to take a 24hour break from my beloved Twilight series to catch up on some much needed work.
I have to get some work done on my P.P. photos.
I am way behind.
I have to get some work done around the house.
I am way behind.
I did manage to shower and brush my teeth this morning.
I was way behind.
(I realized midday Sunday I couldn't remember the last time I showered, or brushed my teeth, so I figured it was time....before my family intervened)

That's doable.
I stopped in a good place.
I could afford to take a break.
My other obligations required that.

It is 11:38am...
it's been 13 hours....
and I'm already jonesin'!

I've turned into a flippin' junkie!
A Twilight junkie!

I don't know if I can make it 11 more hours without reading....
....I need my fix....

....this is so unhealthy....(in a healthy kind of way)

1 comment:

Tera said...

HAVE YOU BEEN UNDER A ROCK?? Just wondering where you were when I was saying how AWESOME Twilight was! I was sure you had read it. It is by far some of the best books I've read. I love them. I finished Eclipse in 9 hours! I didn't sleep or eat it was that good! If you need more reads check out the out-takes on It is great!! Happy Reading!