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Monday, April 20, 2009

The Twilight saga

I am not a big reader.
I can count on both hands the series of books that I have read with an intensity that I just couldn't put down.
And the Twilight series is the latest to enter the ranks.
My reading has reached an unhealthy level at this point.
But, this is what always happens to me when I find a book that is so utterly enthralling I lose myself in its world.
It's a treat actually.
I'm usually always dashing to and fro, getting stuff done, moving about with an urgency to be a Mom, work, clean...I rarely ever give myself the opportunity to tune that out and just sit, read, and disappear for a while.
I'm trying to read through these as quickly as possible, because they are so amazing, but also because I need to resurface.
I eventually need to resurface and join the real world again.
I can't live in my completely wonderful new books forever.
But, until then, until I'm able to resurface...I have a world of vampires and werewolves to get back to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ummm, yeah, I am right there with you! Amen, sista'!