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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

That point in the move prep....

I have reached that point in our move prep where my house has officially turned into the pits.

It is bad. I have lost control. There is stuff everywhere as I try to organize and go through our things and put into piles what we're keeping, what we're selling, what we're packing, what's going into our UAB, what's being crated, and what just needs to be thrown away.

Stuff. everywhere.

It's given me a little bit of the ole twitch eye, as I am a fairly organized person. I like things to have a home and not be stacked and thrown about and stuffed into random places. I mean, in my dreams I am that person. I mean I am that person. Or I could be, if I didn't have a husband and three kids. Then I would be a totally organized highly put together person with cubbies and baskets and folders for all our things and papers.

In reality this is what my life actually looks like.
This very second. This is the area I am sitting in. The rest of the house is just as bad. Normally, I can manage the messes of my people, keep it somewhat contained to an area, even if it isn't organized (although, I confess, this desk area pretty much always looks like this.) But when we're moving, it's like my whole house starts throwing up in every corner of itself, regurgitating all of our belongings all over the house.

That is where we're at. We're at the regurgitation phase. I know at some point it is going to get more manageable, with less crap stuff all over the place. Hopefully before I develop another twitch. And before my mom comes in a week.

Speaking of which, my mom's coming in a week! Whoo hoo!!! She will be with us until we leave, and we'll all fly back together. God pulled through right at the very end and got all her clearances for her approved so she can officially conduct her research here!

Happy day.

Hopefully I'll have the house a bit more put together before she gets here though, 'cause that woman does not pack light and she's gonna have all her own stuff to add to our crazy mix!

So things are moving along....just in a very messy fashion!


Georgia said...

yeah. but i add stuff in such a GOOD way!! love you so much!

Bekah Boo said...

LOVE that your mama is comign!
Also--dude. wait till you see my post tomorrow.
I had to edit it after seeing your post today, but it was already set to go live tomorrow.
Even from far away we are so in sync.

praying for you. for Jesus to cover you and be near you in this goodbye season.
Finish strong. I love you and am proud of you!

Liza said...

Haha, twitch eye. I know it well...especially during moving season. You can do it!!