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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Dropping like flies.....

Yesterday when Sydaleigh came home from school, I took her temperature and saw that she had a fever. This morning upon waking up I noticed Marvelly looked a little off, and discovered that she too has a fever. One hour after that I started feeling bad and the thermometer indicated I had a fever as well.

Now all three of us ladies are sick.

This latest bit of sickness is keeping our record strong of someone in the house being sick at least every three weeks since moving here.


That's a lot of time spent being sick.

I'm especially bummed it fell on this weekend since this morning we were suppose to attend the formal opening of a hospital that was built by some missionary friends of ours here. We even had special clothes made for the event, which will have to be worn at a later time I guess.

Sickness is never convenient, that's for sure. At least Isaak is still going strong, praying he doesn't catch whatever we all have.

1 comment:

Georgia said...

so sorry you guys are ill. praying for y'all. love ya