Come on in...

Monday, December 2, 2013

One day, she'll thank me.

One day, when she's older, and realizes the value of hard work, she'll thank me....

She'll thank me for ripping her pages out of her school journal that she just finished writing in.

She will thank me for making her start her homework all over again in order to turn in her best work, instead of her fastest work.

She will thank me for instilling in her a good work ethic and discipline.

She will thank me for encouraging her to turn in work that she is proud of.

She will thank me that I was more concerned about developing the content of her character rather than striving to make her comfortable and convenienced. 

One day, when she's not cursing me for making her do her chores or redo her homework, or to be responsible for her belongings, or teaching her the value of commitment and finishing what she's started, or painstakingly reminding her that her words carry weight and to choose them wisely, and everything else that I teach that she doesn't think she needs to know right day, she'll realize she does. And she'll thank me.

One day, one day, she will be glad I cared enough to inconvenience her.

1 comment:

Georgia said...

WAIT A MINUTE!!!!! my kids NEVER thanked me for doing all that for them! hahahahaha!!!!! but they probably THINK it every day.