Come on in...

Tuesday, November 5, 2013's whats for dinner.

I had a great idea to cook up some zucchini on Sunday with our dinner, but that idea quickly vanished when I cut into them all and these repulsive little vermin started wiggling their way out of my food!
WORMS!!! Oh. no. you. didn't. just come outta my zucchini! My gag reflex still kicks in when I think about it. That is some kind of nasty right there. Ugh. I can't look at the picture for too long or else the need to vomit starts to tease me and I have to look away.

I've never had worms all up in my food before.....but Africa has been a place of many "firsts" so I guess it was only a matter of time.

Now I've eaten food here with bugs in it before....but I draw the line at worms. Isaak wanted me to salvage some of the zucchini that looked clean...what. the. heck?! Salvage some zucchini?! That had worms in it? You be crAzy! I'm not cookin' up any of that! There could be worm pods or invisible eggs covertly hiding in the rest and then you'd have baby worm eggs hatching inside you! Now I know that my stomach acid would likely kill any worms that I ingested but lets just look at our luck with health since we've been here, mkay?! Those suckers would survive! They would survive and then make my body its host!

That junk was goin' in the garbage.


Touché Burkina, touché.

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